Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Happy Birthday, Samuel P!


This handsome boy is one year old, today!

At one year, Samuel:

* is a fast crawler, likes to stand up anywhere he can get a hold of something and has started taking his first steps around the furniture. 
*is wearing 18 month pants and jammies and shirts that vary from 12-24 months, depending on the brand.
*likes to shake his head "no" and sometimes really means it.
*eats really, really well.  He occasionally decides he doesn't want something and spits it out, but in general he will eat most anything.
*still likes his binky - especially when he is tired.
*can wave and give five.
*loves his cousins and is always in a good mood when they are around.
*started sleeping past 6am.  Yay!
*figured out that he can pull up on the window ledges, stand up and take a peek at the world.
*loves Mabel.
*started to really enjoy our nursery rhyme book.
*thinks peekaboo is the cat's meow.
*is loved, loved, loved! 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's Day at Our House

Construction paper valentine hearts

I made some garlands out of pink yarn and red and pink construction paper and hung them in Sam's doorway, '70s style.  He was interested in them, the moment he woke up and it was fun to see how they kept grabbing his attention throughout the day.  I also made a fourth one and hung it across the dining room window to add a bit of Valentine cheer to our meals.

Valentine hearts
Brian bought me a lovely bouquet of spring flowers, which I much prefer to roses.  And, he was kind enough to pick them up on Wednesday evening, so I was able to enjoy them all day on Valentine's day.  There is something about having a vase of fresh flowers in the house that just makes the rest of the day seem better.  It also motivates me to keep the table cleared off, so I can really enjoy their beauty and not be distracted by all of our day-to-day clutter. 

And there were cards and kindness and texts and plans for fast food tacos with wine and candles.  We're fancy like that.  Sadly, our schmancy dinner plans were canceled, as I was called in to work.  But.  I was only there for a short while and back home before Sammer went to bed.  Yep, it was a good day.    

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tunnel Vision

McDonalds Date

Sam and Brian had a "boys weekend" while I went to Kansas with some girlfriends.  When I got home, we had a McDonalds date and forced Sam to take pictures with us.  He wasn't interested in smiling for the camera, but did enjoy his Cheerios and applesauce at McDonalds and the fact that they had a TV in his line of vision.  :)

Monday, February 4, 2013

Growing Baby

This little guy is officially up to 18 month pants and the shirt he is wearing in these photos is 24 months.  Aaah!  Somebody stop my baby from growing so quickly...and also, come clean my kitchen floor for me.  :)