Friday, January 25, 2013


I bought these jammers for Sammers last March or April or maybe May.  I naively thought that he would be wearing 18 month clothing when he was 18 months.  Instead, he is wearing 18 month stuff now and it seems that pjs run smaller than most of his other clothing, so he is almost ready for 24 month jamas.  Also, his room isn't really warm enough to put him to bed in these summery type pjs.  I think the little lion and stripes are so stinkin' cute, though and didn't want him to outgrow them without ever wearing them.  So, we had a "lounge around the house in your PJs" afternoon the other day.  It was cozy and Sam was stylin'. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

One Of These Things Is Not Like The Others

I just ran across this photo in my archived items and had to share.   April and I took a crocheting class in September of 2011.  (I might have shared this same photo then, but it cracks me up all over again.)  We both had previous crocheting experience, but wanted to take the class as a refresher and specifically to learn how to make granny circles with an outer square.  This photo shows my granny circle on the left and Pril's on the right.  They are supposed to be the same size.  They are not.  Also, you can see the instructor's circle up in the top left of the photo.  Hers looks similar to Pril's.  Mine looks like a monster.  Love it! 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Eleven Months

Our 11 month cutie:
  • is getting pretty fast at his army crawl.  
  • likes things that he can open and close.  These things include doors, cupboards, drawers, books, the block box that has a hinged lid, the clothes dryer and such.
  • can finally say mama, but hasn't really said it yet in a way that means "Mama."
  • smiles whenever he sees Mabel, looks at the window or sliding glass door when we say her name or talk about "puppies," doesn't mind if she sniffs his face, likes to put his hand on her back and help give her her breakfast or rawhide treats.
  • started playing independently with his books.  He likes to sit and flip through the pages.  
  • has five teeth - two on the bottom and three on top.  Brian just found a new one this morning!  So, we will rewrite that as: Sam has six teeth - three on the bottom and three on top. 
  • learned how to "give five."
  • is super tickly and giggly when we change his diaper.
  • had his first haircut and didn't seem to mind one bit.  He was interested in the clippers, but otherwise did a great job of sitting still and letting me cut away.
  • is happiest in the early mornings.
  • has a birthday coming up!
  • is loved.  Immensely.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Monday, January 14, 2013


Sam gets so excited for bath time, these days.  He likes to stand at the side of the tub and watch the water fill. 

In similar news, he has crawled into our shower (it's a walk-in, so there isn't a ledge for him to get over) twice this week - once when I was showering and once when Brian was.  He thought it was fun/funny until a big stream of water was aimed right at his head/face. 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Stripey Sam

To be fair, the title of this post could be used for most every post.  Our Sam is a stripey fella.  What can we say?  Hmmm.  We think he looks good in stripes.  Also, we're not into the cutesie animal shirts or the ones with funny little sayings.  It seems like I see a lot of good options for little girls and hardly anything for boys.  So, we've settled on stripes.  Sorry, kid.

In case you wonder about my use of the word "we" above, I really mean it.  Brian feels the same way.  I didn't expect that.  I thought he wouldn't really care either way.  But, we are on the same page.  I like that. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sam's Week

Brian lowered Sam's crib mattress on Sunday.  How can our baby be such a big baby / little boy?  Other new things this week - how to open cupboard doors and a new face where he scrunches up his nose and lips.

Monday, January 7, 2013


Sam's Grandpa Birger and Grandma C gave him a not-so-little red wagon for Christmas.  Addison and Jenna spent a good chunk of Saturday night pulling him around the basement in it.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hanging With an Odd Duck

Sammer is loving bath time, these days.  He splishes and splashes and give his tootsies big kicks when you try to wash between his toes.  Also, his hair is getting lo-ong.  We've trimmed the hair that grows over his ears a few times,  but I think it's about time for his first real hair cut.  

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

We Heart Books

Behold, our Christmas book loot:

Sam made off with 9 books + a 12 book set of "Bob" books. 
brooke received 6.5 books and Brian received 2.5.  (We are sharing.)
And just last night, the VanBoenings gave Sam one more book that didn't make the picture.
This stack should keep us busy for a while.